Ai no Kurashi (Love Life) (Translated to Japanese by Shigeo Shimizu), Shichigatsu Doo
(July House) Tokyo 2011
Aushuvittsu no Kanata Kara (From Beyond Auschwitz: original title The Gossamer Wall)
(Translated to Japanese by Shigeo Shimizu), Shichigatsu Doo (July House) Tokyo 2007
Bokutachi No Nijuu No Toki– (Our Double Time)
(Translated to Japanese by Shigeo Shimizu), Shichigatsu Doo (July House) Tokyo 2001
Aus Heiterem Himmel Selected Poems of Micheal O’Siadhail
(Translated to German by Audrey and Walter Pfeil), Heiderhoff Verlag, Eisingen, Germany,
Madamu Jazu Yookoso (Hail! Madam Jazz) Selected Poems of Micheal O’Siadhail (Volume
(Translated by Shigeo Shimizu), Shichigatsu Doo (July House), Tokyo 1999
Airurandogo Bunpo Koshu Aarige Hoogen (Learning Irish translated by the Kyoto Association for Irish Studies Ed. Kuninao Nashimoto) Kenkyusha, Tokyo 2007
Dysgu Gwyddeleg (Learning Irish translated to Welsh by Ian Hughes) Prifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth, 1998
Lehrbuch in der irischen Sprache (Learning Irish translated to German by Arndt Wigger) H. Buske Verlag, Hamburg 1985